 222 Rutherford St. Greenville, SC 29609

Donate to Support Triune's Mission


Your donations help make a life-changing impact for those experiencing homelessness and poverty in Greenville.

We appreciate your contributions and support.

To make a financial contribution online, click the button below.

Financial donations may also be mailed to:

Triune Mercy Center
PO Box 3844
Greenville, SC 29608

In Honor Of Cards

Give a gift In Honor of someone who is still living. Includes the option of a personalized message to be printed in the card.

In Memory Of Cards

Give a gift In Memory of someone dear to you who has passed. Includes the option of a personalized message to be printed in the card.

Wish List

We are also in need of donated items at Triune to support our mission programs. Item donations may be brought to:

Triune Mercy Center
222 Rutherford St.
Greenville, SC 29609

Monday - Thursday
9:00AM - 1:00PM
2:00PM - 5:00PM

Please call, 864.233.8020, when you arrive in the Triune Mercy Center parking lot. Staff will come to your car to help deliver your donations to the Triune Mercy Center.

Hygiene Kits

Hygiene Kit Supplies:

Wash cloth
Disposable razor
Shower gel

Pop-Top Bags

Pop-Top Bag Supplies:

1 pack Ramen Noodles
1 can Vienna sausages or tuna
1 pack peanut butter or cheese crackers
1 small pack snack mix
1 fruit cup
1 individual box cereal
1 individual cup of easy mac
1 individual pack of fruit snacks
1 granola bar
1 individual pack of cookies/dessert