 222 Rutherford St. Greenville, SC 29609

Donate to Support Triune's Mission


Your donations help make a life-changing impact for those experiencing homelessness and poverty in Greenville.

We appreciate your contributions and support.

To make a financial contribution online, click the button below.

Financial donations may also be mailed to:

Triune Mercy Center
PO Box 3844
Greenville, SC 29608

In Honor Of Cards

Give a gift In Honor of someone who is still living. Includes the option of a personalized message to be printed in the card.

In Memory Of Cards

Give a gift In Memory of someone dear to you who has passed. Includes the option of a personalized message to be printed in the card.

We are also in need of donated items at Triune to support our mission programs. Item donations may be brought to:

Triune Mercy Center
222 Rutherford St.
Greenville, SC 29609

Monday - Thursday
9:00AM - 1:00PM
2:00PM - 5:00PM

Please call, 864.233.8020, when you arrive in the Triune Mercy Center parking lot. Staff will come to your car to help deliver your donations to the Triune Mercy Center.