Food Assistance
Many people in Greenville experience food insecurity every day. Triune Mercy Center, in partnership with area churches and organizations, provides food to those families and individuals who need it most.
Food Bags/Hygiene Kits
Each Wednesday, from 9 to 11 a.m., Triune Mercy Center provides bags of groceries for those individuals with access to a kitchen, which include items that need to be cooked, or “pop-top” bags for those without access to a kitchen, which include ready to eat food. Hygiene kits are also available, which include items such as soap, oral hygiene supplies, deodorant, and washcloths. In addition on Wednesdays, those receiving food have access to other volunteer social services, including free legal aid, drug and alcohol recovery resources, employment information, veteran services, and financial consultations.
Hot Meals
Hot lunches are prepared and served by our partner churches and business organizations each Saturday at noon, and on Sundays following our 11 a.m. worship service. In addition to lunch on Sundays, our partners provide bag lunches for parishioners as they leave, which may be used as their dinner that evening. A hot breakfast is also served from 7-8 a.m. each Monday.
Hygiene Kits

Hygiene Kit Supplies:
Wash cloth
Disposable razor
Shower gel
Pop-Top Bags

Pop-Top Bag Supplies:
1 pack Ramen Noodles
1 can Vienna sausages or tuna
1 pack peanut butter or cheese crackers
1 small pack snack mix
1 fruit cup
1 individual box cereal
1 individual cup of easy mac
1 individual pack of fruit snacks
1 granola bar
1 individual pack of cookies/dessert