Community Partners
We are blessed and humbled to have the support of local churches and organizations across the Upstate to serve as Triune’s partners. From preparing and assembling meals for the homeless, to volunteering on our campus, to financially supporting our mission, we are so grateful for those for whom God has called to serve our most vulnerable neighbors.
If your church or organization is interested in becoming a partner, please contact Jennifer Fouse Sheorn at (864) 546-5061, or by email at jennifer@triunemercy.org.
- Advent UMC
- Aldersgate UMC
- Augusta Road UMC
- Berea Friendship UMC
- Bethel Breakfast Ministry
- Bethel Missionary Bible Church
- Bethel UMC
- Bon Secours St. Francis Health System
- Brookwood Church
- Brushy Creek Baptist Church
- Buncombe Street UMC
- Christ Church Episcopal
- Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints
- Church of the Redeemer
- Congregation Beth Israel
- Covenant UMC
- Disciples UMC
- Dunean Baptist Church
- Earle Street Baptist Church
- Ebenezer UMC
- Edwards Road Baptist Church
- Enoree Fork Baptist Church
- First Assembly Church of God
- First Baptist Church of Greenville
- First Baptist Church of Mauldin
- First Baptist Church of Taylors
- First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ
- First Presbyterian Church of Greer
- Fourth Presbyterian Church
- Francis Asbury UMC
- Furman UNI Heller Service Corp.
- Furman University Lilly Center
- God’s Chosen Assembly
- Grace Cathedral
- Grace Church
- Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church
- Greater Greenville Mental Health
- Greenpond UMC
- Greenville Homeless Alliance
- Greenville Tech
- Greenville Health System / Prisma Health
- Greenville Heritage Federal Credit Union
- Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
- Holland Park Church
- John Knox Presbyterian Church
- John Wesley UMC
- Liberty UMC
- Long Branch Baptist Church
- Mattoon Presbyterian
- Mauldin UMC
- Memorial UMC
- New Horizon Family Health Services
- Northgate Baptist Church
- Northside UMC
- Overbrook Baptist Church
- Pelham Road Baptist Church
- Piedmont UMC
- Pisgah UMC
- Praise Cathedral Church of God
- Premier Arts Collective
- Price Law Firm
- Prince of Peace Catholic Church
- Reedy Fork Baptist Church
- Rock of Ages Baptist Church
- Rocky Creek Baptist Church
- Rocky Mount Missionary Baptist Church
- St. Anthony Catholic Church
- Salem UMC
- Simpsonville UMC
- St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
- St. Giles Presbyterian Church
- St. James Episcopal Church
- St. John UMC
- St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral
- St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church
- St. Matthew UMC
- St. Michael Lutheran Church
- St. Peter Episcopal Church
- Soul Winners Mission Church
- South Carolina Legal Aid
- Travelers Rest UMC
- Trinity Church
- Trinity Presbyterian Church
- Unity Church of Greenville
- Valley Brook Missionary Outreach Baptist Church
- Vedic Center of Greenville
- Westminster Presbyterian Church
- Women in Construction
- Woodruff Road Missionary Baptist Church