Triune Mercy Center is a place of transformational healing and growth. God's Spirit moves, and Triune moves with it by offering life-changing opportunities and meeting physical needs. We are a place of holistic wellness where God fills minds, bodies, and spirits. Daily, perspectives shift toward God's countercultural Kingdom, where generosity abounds. In doing so, the Holy Spirit stirs within us and lifts us in mind, body, and Spirit.
Shift and Lift is a free monthly email subscription from Triune Mercy Center that presents life-changing opportunities for healing and growth. Shift and Lift will employ the experience and talents of our Triune staff, congregation, board members, and local community experts to present three informational offerings related to spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. These offerings could look like poetry, blogs, devotionals, video clips, or video tutorials.
Additionally, the email will allow space for Triune Mercy Center to communicate specific prayer requests to our subscribers and leave room for them to respond with their prayer requests to us.
The Shift and Lift email subscription is for everyone and will allow us to walk alongside each other throughout various seasons of our lives in helpful and healthy ways as we heal and grow together.